Monetary rewards will be offered to informants if their report on tax evasion or violation leads the UAE’s Federal Tax Authority to collect tax amounts worth more than AED 50,000
The UAE’s Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has launched Raqeeb, its “whistle-blower programme for tax violations and evasion”, which aims to promote community control over local markets, raise the level of tax compliance in the UAE, and reduce tax evasion cases.
The latest initiative is in line with the UAE Cabinet’s decision to implement whistle-blower programmes, which permits the FTA to receive reports from individuals on tax evasion cases, tax-related fraud, and violations of tax legislation.
The Raqeeb whistle-blower programme will be effective as of Friday, April 15, 2022. The FTA will verify the information and reports submitted by individuals. The programme will grant informants with monetary rewards if the report leads the authority to collect tax amounts worth more than AED 50,000.