“EvaiStableFund has been designed to utilise our proven Evai ratings technology, powered by AI and machine learning, to provide competitive returns for investors with minimal risk. We are excited to offer investors of all levels and budgets a gateway into cryptoasset investment,” said Evai co-founder and CEO Matthew Dixon.
Evai.io is a crypto ratings platform through which live crypto asset data is evaluated daily against several key economic factors by AI and machine learning, before awarding each asset one of 11 possible ratings, from A1 to U.
“The Evai platform combines peer-reviewed academic research and Artificial Intelligence with a machine learning, self-correcting and autonomous rating protocol, removing human bias. Evai continuously learns, maintains and remains decentralised to produce unbiased ratings,” said Professor Andros Gregoriou of The University of Brighton, co-founder and chief research officer at Evai.
The company has offices in London and Singapore, with their headquarters located in DMCC Crypto Centre Dubai. The company describe the platform as a democratisation of the crypto market with over 1,000 assets listed and rated, and thousands more assets due to be added over the coming months.
Source: Arabian Business
Image credit: pixabay